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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Graduating as the top of the Class of 2024, senior Lex Hou plans on attending University of California, San Diego, to major in data science.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is a full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Any remaining full-version Q&A will be posted in alphabetical order throughout the week in the Feature section.

Question 1: Which university did you commit to?

Answer: University of California, San Diego.

Question 2: What are you planning on majoring in?

A: Data science.

Question 3: Which teacher helped you the most throughout your high school career?

A: I think it’s a mix of all of them, but I really liked engaging with my STEM teachers, like my math teachers and science teachers, because at first, I’ve always wanted to go into college to major in something related to medicine and therapy, but I kind of changed. But overall, it’s just my calculus, chemistry and biology teachers.

Question 4: What was the hardest class you took in high school and why?
A: Physics because there’s a lot that you need to know and a lot to memorize, and it’s a really rigorous course.

Question 5: What was your favorite class in high school and why?
A: AP [Advanced Placement] Statistics with [Kari] Morita because she’s really friendly and really nice. She knows what students need to succeed.

Question 6: What will you miss the most about Sunny Hills? 
A: I’ve always played sports for a long time, and I’m not sure I’m going to keep doing that in college. And just being around all my friends because they’re all going to different colleges. I won’t be able to see them, but we’ll still keep in touch. But I think friends, sports and all that stuff I’ll miss the most.

Question 7: What are you most excited about for your new journey in college?
A: I’m excited for the new experiences. I’ve heard from other people that college is way different, but at the same time, it’s a lot less restrictive than high school is, and I think just being a little bit away from home exploring and learning new stuff will be fun.

Question 8: Who was your biggest supporter throughout high school, and why?
A: My dad because he’s always been on me about keeping my grades up, keep doing sports, and he’s always been there for me.

Question 9: Who is your favorite teacher?
A: Ms. Morita, my AP Statistics teacher, and Mr. [Andrew] Colomac, the AP Chemistry teacher.

Question 10: What is your proudest accomplishment in high school?
A: I think my baseball career is my proudest accomplishment because I actually got a few offers to play in college.

Question 11: What do you look forward to the most this summer?
A: I think spending the last couple of months with my friends since this is the last time I’m going to be doing a lot of group activities with them.

Question 12: What are you looking forward to the most about college?
A: I think I’m looking forward to being far from home because even though I know I’ll miss my family, I want to be able to experience what it’s like to start off on my own and live by myself.

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