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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Senior Yeavit Kim stands as one of the 39 Class of 2024 valedictorians. Kim plans on attending the University of Pennsylvania as a nursing major.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is a full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Any remaining full-version Q&A will be posted in alphabetical order throughout the week in the Feature section.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?
Answer: University of Pennsylvania [UPenn].

Question 2: What will you major in?
A: Nursing.

Question 3: What was your favorite class and memory?
A: I would say orchestra because I took it for all four years and I’ve actually met one of my closest friends there. And since we did a lot outside of class, we performed at Parks [Junior High School] and at the PAC [Performing Arts Center] too. So I do think that it was really fun. I think I really made a lot of good friends.

Question 4: Who was a mentor who helped you throughout your academic journey?
A: I will say Mr. [Tom] Wiegman, he was my English teacher. He is still my English teacher; I had him in both my junior and senior years. I was in his AP [Advanced Placement] Lang [Language and Composition] class, and now I am in his AP Lit [English Literature and Composition] class. And personally, my weakness is English. And he just helped me a lot with the essays and through the college application process.

Question 5: What is a study habit that you would recommend to someone else?
A: My study habits are really bad. I’m a huge procrastinator, and I do the work last minute. I usually sleep when I feel sleepy and wake up and do the homework in the morning because when I get sleepy I can’t focus on the work. So I usually sleep early and wake up early to study or do homework.

Question 6: What were some of your extracurriculars and leadership roles?
A: I founded the CARE Club, where we go volunteering at nursing homes. I also volunteered at St. Jude aand founded an [online] organization about cancer.

Question 7: What is something you look forward to the most after graduating?
A: I will say college is definitely the most exciting one. And during the summer, I’m just planning to work so that I can earn money for college.

Question 8: What advice about school would you give your freshman self if you were to start high school again?
A: I would say, don’t stress too much. Because I usually overthink it. If you think a lot and stress about it too much, it won’t help. It’s just not good for your studying to stress too much.

Question 9: Did you aim for the title of valedictorian at the beginning of high school?
A: I thought it was impossible in the beginning, because I struggled a lot, like I was on the verge of getting two B’s. I just tried my best each year, and it just it came.

Question 10: What class threatened your valedictorian status the most?
A: AP U.S. History and AP Lang.

Question 11: What is the No. 1 piece of advice you would give to other students who also plan to become valedictorians?
A: Study hard. I would say try your best, but if it doesn’t happen, don’t stress about it.

Question 12: What would you say was the most rewarding aspect of being valedictorian?
A: I guess you can get recognized as a result of your hard work, and the most important one is that I can make my mom proud of me for trying hard.

Question 13: What was the most important factor when deciding what college to attend?
A: Personally, I had a passion for nursing since junior high. And I was researching it very early in my freshman year, and I found out UPenn had a nursing program. It’s one of the prestigious ones too. The nursing program I really wanted to go to — pediatric oncology — is only at UPenn out of all of America, so I really wanted to go. It was my dream school, and I’m happy I got in.

Question 14: How did you feel when you found out you got accepted to UPenn?
A: I felt very blessed because I was praying for it a lot too. Just happy that I was finally done.

Question 15: What are your career aspirations and/or activities you want to be involved in at college?
A: I’m planning to do a master’s in nursing as well to become a nurse practitioner. I haven’t really found a specific specialty yet, but I hopefully I can find it when I go through college classes.

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