Winston Creel, a father of triplet daughters who attended Sunny Hills in the mid-1980s, rides his horse as the school mascot known as "Winston the Lancer." The mascot would show up at Sunny Hills home...
The May 31, 1985, Accolade article describing the vandalism that impacted the original wall painting featured a vertical picture of the art students working on another project.
Two Sunny Hills students pass out information about the school’s Engineering Pathways to Innovation and Change during the January 2018 Open House in the gym. With a surge over winter break in Omicron...
The Accolade's Feb. 19 (left) and March 13 issues received Top 10 recognition in a recent Best of Show contest sponsored by the National Scholastic Press Association during a virtual spring journalism...
Class of 2014 students react to the movie they were watching in the Sunny Hills quad during the Oct. 3 Senior Sunrise, considered the first traditional senior event of the school year. The Class of 2021...
Then-freshman Hannah Kim lines up her shot as she tries to sink her ball into the hole during an August 2016
practice at the Westridge Golf Club in La Mirada. Boys and girls golf head coach Scott Enrico...
Seventh period theater tech students put together stage sets like this one from the 2019 spring play, "Miracle Worker," based on the life of Helen Keller. Less than a month into the 2020-2021 school year,...
Theater teacher Amanda Gieser (left) glances at one of her performers being lifted up by cast members of 2018's "Chicago" during a rehearsal. The musical about women in the Roaring '20s was the last one...