The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Noah Lee
Despite not becoming one of the 39 Class of 2024 valedictorians, senior Michael Amescua celebrates winning the Academic Excellence Award.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?

Answer: Loyola Marymount University.

Question 2: What will you major in?

A: Computer science.

Question 3: Which teacher helped you the most throughout your high school career?

A: I think my history teacher, Mr. [Matthew] Acosta, my math teacher, Dr. [Dorothy] Cheng and my video production teacher, Mr. [Danny] Flores.

Question 4: What advice do you have for underclassmen about maintaining their grades? 

A: Just try not to procrastinate too much, and try to do homework in classes if you can. 

Question 5: What was your favorite class in high school and why? 

A: I think my favorite class was video production. I get to do a lot of different projects and stuff, and we have a lot of freedom to do whatever we want.

Question 6: What will you miss the most about Sunny Hills? 

A: I’m gonna miss my friends a lot, but I think I’m gonna miss wrestling the most.

Question 7: Who was your biggest supporter throughout high school, and why?

A: My biggest supporter is my mom for sure; she’s the only reason I’m here.

Question 8: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

A: I would have probably graduated, and I’m probably going to try to go for a master’s to hopefully be a software engineer.

Question 9: Who is your favorite teacher and why? 

A: My favorite teacher is definitely Mr. Acosta. He’s super positive and he’s just super fun to be around.

Question 10: What is your proudest accomplishment in high school? 

A: I think it was getting the academic excellence award and the captain’s award for wrestling.

Question 11: What do you look forward to the most this summer? 

A: I’m looking forward to just being able to rest and start focusing on college.

Question 12: What are you looking forward to the most about college? 

A: I’m looking forward to learning about computer science, trying other things like business or engineering, making new friends along the way and studying abroad.

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Faith Jung
Faith Jung, Entertainment Editor
After spending her first year on The Accolade staff as the social media manager, junior Faith Jung returns as the arts & entertainment editor for the 2023-2024 school year. Jung is excited to work with the rest of the staff once again to write more stories and expand the influence of the school paper. Aside from working for The Accolade, Jung often takes part in community service, club activities and studying. She also likes to watch Korean dramas and hang out with her friends in her free time.
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