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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Senior Zoe Kim stands as one of the 39 Class of 2024 valedictorians. Kim plans on attending UCLA as an art history major.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is a full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Any remaining full-version Q&A will be posted in alphabetical order throughout the week in the Feature section.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?
Answer: UCLA.
Question 2: What will you major in?
A: Art history.
Question 3: What was one of your most memorable experiences in high school?
A: It was probably leading in the “Sound of Music” as the first Sunny Hills musical with the new theater teacher at the time, Mr. [Christian] Penuelas.
Question 4: How do you think beginning high school through distance learning positively or negatively impacted your high school journey?
A: Beginning high school after distance learning was relaxing, but I was less motivated to join clubs and extracurriculars because I was tired from constantly being on Zoom.
Question 5: What is your biggest regret in high school?
A: My biggest regret is not joining a team like Helios or The Accolade because they seem like fun opportunities.
Question 6: What advice about school would you give your freshman self if you were to start high school again?
A: Do not be afraid to join programs and activities and pursue hobbies.
Question 7: What were some of your extracurriculars and leadership roles?
A: As a member of the choir and theater, I was also part of the COFA [Conservatory of Fine Arts] cabinet. I was the assistant director of quad show as a freshman and a sophomore, secretary as a junior and director of quad show as a senior. I’m also the current co-president of the Art Club and president of the Protecting People’s Languages club.
Question 8: What class threatened your valedictorian status the most?
A: Ms. [Mariam] Tan’s AP [Advanced Placement] Calculus AB class. My grade dropped to 89% because being the lead in the musical took up a lot of time.
Question 9: What would you say was the most rewarding aspect of being valedictorian?
A: Being able to prove that I am capable of being valedictorian while taking theater, choir and other classes that lower my overall GPA.
Question 10: What was your favorite class in school?
A: My favorite class was special studies in drawing and painting with Mr. [Brian] Wall in my sophomore year because it was a fun, welcoming environment and allowed me to grow as an artist. I have a lot of memories from that class.

Question 11: Who was a mentor who helped you throughout your academic journey?
A: My mom was one of the most important mentors throughout my academic journey. I would always be able to get emotional support and allow me to rant to her about my struggles and problems.
Question 12: What is a study habit would you recommend to someone else?
A: Do not procrastinate.
Question 13: What is something you look forward to the most after graduating?
A: I’m definitely looking forward to the college experience after graduating.

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