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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Graduating as one of the Class of 2024 valedictorians, senior Karen Huang committed to University of California, Irvine, as a computer science major.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is a full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Any remaining full-version Q&A will be posted in alphabetical order throughout the week in the Feature section.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?
Answer: University of California, Irvine.

Question 2: What will you major in?
A: Computer science.

Question 3: What were some notable setbacks you encountered during your high school career, and how did you overcome them?
A: I feel like academics wise maybe some of the classes I’ve taken were pretty different from classes I’ve taken before such as government or macroeconomics or even AP Lang [Advanced Placement English Language and Composition]. They were just very different from the classes I’d taken when I was an underclassmen. So I’d say that sometimes I would struggle through the workload or the assignments, but I’d say that just building good study habits helped me get through that.

Question 4: What was one of your most memorable experiences in high school?
A: Just being part of Science Olympiad my whole year, and then, during award ceremonies, I felt that we really bonded as a team because we would cheer for each other, and I felt like being part of the team was a unique experience.

Question 5: How do you think beginning high school through distance learning affected your high school journey?
A: I feel like distance learning positively affected me because it helped me ease more into high school because I wasn’t just thrown on campus.

Question 6: What is your biggest regret in high school?
A: I don’t think I had any regrets.

Question 7: What advice about school would you give your freshman self if you were to start high school again?
A: Just don’t stress too much about grades or academics. I feel like it’s all gonna work out in the end, so there’s no use stressing over something that’s out of your control.

Question 8: What were some of your extracurriculars and leadership roles, if any?
A: The Boeing internship I did during the summer after my junior year was really notable, and I think that experience really helped me shape kind of what I wanted to do as a career and helped me to see what the workforce is like.

Question 9: What class threatened your valedictorian status the most?
A: I would say AP Government [and Politics] because it’s a one-semester course, and I was at a B for a while.

Question 10: What are your career aspirations and/or activities you want to be involved in at college?
A: I want to be majoring in computer science, so I definitely want to get involved in some projects that are available at the university.

Question 11: What would you say was the most rewarding aspect of being valedictorian?
A: I feel like it was pretty rewarding. Just being part of a group of hard-working people and seeing like, how a lot of other people were able to get the title of valedictorian as well, I feel like it really shows that we are a really hard-working class.

Question 12: What was your favorite class in school?
A: Taking four years of Chinese. That was pretty interesting because you are kind of with the same people for all four years.

Question 13: Who was a mentor who helped you throughout your academic journey?
A: Definitely my mom; I think she was really supportive of me throughout high school and kind of helped me figure out exactly what I wanted to do.

Question 14: What is a study habit that you would recommend to someone else?
A: Don’t study when you are tired.

Question 15: What is something you look forward to the most after graduating?
A: Taking a lot of naps.

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Nathan Lee
Nathan Lee, Assistant Entertainment Editor
After serving his first year part of The Accolade as a staff reporter, junior Nathan Lee is now spending his second year as an assistant arts & entertainment editor. Lee plans to use the experience gained during his first year to contribute to a wide variety of eye-catching articles. Outside of The Accolade, Lee plays for the boys tennis team and enjoys playing various sports.
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