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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Senior Arum Han stands as one of the 39 Class of 2024 valedictorians. Han plans on attending Amherst College, majoring in biology.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is a full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Any remaining full-version Q&A will be posted in alphabetical order throughout the week in the Feature section.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?
Answer: I will be attending Amherst College in Massachusetts.

Question 2: What will you major in?
A: It’s not chosen because it’s an open curriculum, and we get to choose our sophomore year, but I’m planning to go through the pre-med track, so biology, most likely.

Question 3: Which teacher helped you the most throughout your high school career?
A: I’d probably say my chemistry teacher Mr. [Andrew] Colomac. He helped me fall more in love with science. Or I would say Mrs. [Esther] Shin as well because, even though I didn’t have her as a teacher, she was a huge mentor to me, and she just helped me throughout my senior year especially.

Question 4: What does it mean to you that you are named valedictorian?
A: I guess more than the honor of being valedictorian, it’s just a good reminder that I worked hard throughout my high school career, and my hard work just pays off through this title.

Question 5: What advice do you have for underclassmen about maintaining their grades?
A: I would just say work diligently and just try your best because grades aren’t what defines you. It’s the hard work that you put into it and what you learn from it.

Question 6: What was the hardest class you took in high school and why?
A: There are a lot of hard classes, but I’d probably say AP [Advanced Placement] Chemistry or AP Biology, just because of the workload and everything, but content-wise, probably AP Chemistry.

Question 7: What was your favorite class in high school and why?
A: Probably AP Chemistry, just because I had a really good teacher, Mr. [Andrew] Colomac. Also, I was with my best friends, so we were able to work together and have fun in that class.

Question 8: What will you miss the most about Sunny Hills?
A: I think I’ll miss the dynamic and the culture here. We have a huge student body, and we’re all very enthusiastic. I feel like you don’t really get this kind of energy and good community.

Question 9: What are you most excited about for your new journey in college?
A: I’m excited to meet new people, especially because I’m moving out and moving far away from where I’m used to. So I’m excited to explore and start this new life.

Question 10: Who was your biggest supporter throughout high school, and why?
A: Probably my friend group, Binny, Katelyn, Justin and Lindsey. Just because they really helped me, especially this year. They’ve always stuck by me and supported me in whatever I did.

Question 11: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: I see myself studying to become a doctor. My end goal is to become a doctor, so I know that I will probably be stuck at my desk studying.

Question 12: Who is your favorite teacher, and why?
A: I like all my teachers. I can’t really choose. They’ve all really helped me in their own unique ways.

Question 13: What is your proudest accomplishment in high school?
A: I think my proudest accomplishment is probably getting straight A’s. I honestly don’t know how I did it because it’s very difficult.

Question 14: What do you look forward to the most this summer?
A: Probably just relaxing and knowing that school is over and that I ended my high school chapter and I’m able to move on to college.

Question 15: What are you looking forward to the most about college?
A: Studying what I want to and just really focusing on the science side, so I don’t have to worry about history, English or all that stuff.

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