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The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade


Asaph Li
Senior Sarah Aurelio stands as one of the 39 valedictorians in the Class of 2024. Continuing her academic journey at USC Aurelio will major in communications.

The Class of 2024 produced 39 valedictorians, and The Accolade interviewed each to reflect on their high school journeys and thoughts. This is the second full version of the Q&A, of which the preview is included in our May magazine issue. Be sure to check out the magazine that’s releasing tomorrow, May 22, and any remaining full-version Q&A posted alphabetically in the Feature section, which will be posted throughout the week.

Question 1: Which university have you committed to?
Answer: USC.
Question 2: What will you major in?
A: Communications.
Question 3: Which teacher helped you the most throughout your high school career?
A: Mr. [Greg] Abbott — I think he was just very good at supporting us as students, like he understood when we had other classes and he wasn’t as strict. He’s just very understanding.
Question 4: What does it mean to you that you are named valedictorian?
A: It feels very rewarding because all of my work over the past four years has finally paid off. This is nice to end my year and high school career off [with].
Question 5: What advice do you have for underclassmen about maintaining their grades?
A: Even out your workload, get your priorities straight and don’t focus too much on one subject. Just don’t over stress; it’s just one test, it’s just one quiz. There’s always going to be something else.
Question 6: What was the hardest class you took in high school and why?
A: AP [Advanced Placement] Chemistry; I did well in honors chemistry so I thought it’d be fine, but it was so much work.
Question 7: What was your favorite class in high school and why?
A: Dance 3 or IB [International Baccalaureate] Art; it’s such a relief from all the academic work.
Question 8: What will you miss the most about Sunny Hills?
A: People. All my friends are going to different colleges so I won’t see them, it’ll be hard to keep connections.
Question 9: What are you most excited about for your new journey in college?
A: [Fullerton is] just kind of small. I want to branch out more, visit new places and meet new people. I feel like you have so much more freedom in college. You kind of just make your own schedule; you’re finally an adult.
Question 10: Who was your biggest supporter throughout high school and why?
A: My parents support me, like if anything comes up, they’re understanding or if I just need a day to myself, they let me stay home and stuff.
Question 11: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: I really want to work in the entertainment industry. So I want to design for movies or TV shows.
Question 12: Who is your favorite teacher and why?
A: Ms. [Kari] Morita, the AP Stats [Statistics] teacher; she’s so nice. She’s so understanding of everything and always lets us stay in her classroom.
Question 13: What is your proudest accomplishment in high school?
A: Being valedictorian.
Question 14: What do you look forward to the most this summer?
A: Senior road trip to San Diego with my friends; it’s not fully set in stone yet because we’re procrastinating [making plans].
Question 15: What are you looking forward to the most about college?
A: Exploring the area; [there’s] so much to see, concerts and food, all in [Los Angeles].

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