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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

2025학년도 대학 수학 능력 시험(수능) 응시생이 1교시 국어 영역 답안지를 작성하는 모습이다.

대학 입시를 결정짓는 단 하루, 2025학년도 수능의 긴 여정

Angelina Jeong, Spotlight Specialty Magazine Editor November 23, 2024

일년의 단 한번의 시험.  그 한번의 시험으로 희망하는 대학교에 지원을 할수 있을지 없을지가 정해진다. “한국의 SAT”라고 부르는 대학수학능력시험,...

A multitude of reasons can propel students to commit academic dishonesty on Advanced Placement exams in hopes they achieve a 5, the maximum possible on the tests. Over the summer, the College Board acknowledged a 1% increase of score cancellations because of suspicions over cheating.

NEWS ANALYSIS: WHY TEST-TAKERS CHEAT? Sociology professor, students provide insight into the phenomenon that caused the uptick in Advanced Placement exam score cancellations this summer

Christine Yoo, Managing Editor September 28, 2024

Because of the sensitive nature of this article, names of student sources will remain confidential, and generic pseudonyms will be used instead. Note cards. Apple Watches. Arms. Several anonymous...

Starting March 2024, the SAT standardized test will become digital only, and students will be able to use their own devices to take the test, which will run for two hours and consist of one section for reading and one for mathematics. Nevertheless, junior Christopher Lee still finds value in traditional SAT prep books.

COLUMN: I’m looking forward to be among first in the U.S. to take digital SAT version next year

Chris Lee, Staff Reporter November 13, 2023

SAT, SAT, SAT.  I’ve heard about this standardized test since elementary school from friends, teachers and parents. I was going into seventh grade at Parks Junior High when my parents got me my first...

Junior Daniel Kong finishes the last of his SAT Prep material from Sapient Academy. Rescheduled in March, Kong’s test has been canceled four times because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I spent thousands of dollars on SAT practice, and it looks like it’s going all to waste because College Board keeps canceling SoCal test dates

Daniel Kong, Business Manager January 19, 2021

The third time wasn’t the charm. On Dec. 2, I was supposed to take my SAT at Harvard-Westlake High School in Los Angeles, but unsurprisingly, College Board canceled the administration of the test. That...

Many public colleges, including California State University, Fullerton, have decided against requiring an SAT or standardized test score on college applications, as College Board testing centers have been closed throughout much of California because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Relief, frustration, confusion among student reactions to cancellation of SAT testing locations, California public universities’ decision to not require scores on college applications

Lauren Jung, Guest Columnist November 19, 2020

With COVID-19 positive cases still being reported in much of Southern California, the College Board has yet to reopen any of its SAT or SAT subject testing locations, forcing students -- especially seniors...

Art illustrated by Accolade graphics editor Erin Lee.

Editorial: 45-minute, free-response Advanced Placement tests definitely worth taking

Krishna Thaker, Special Sections Editor May 12, 2020

In light of the coronavirus outbreak, schools have adapted to alternative methods of education by switching to online learning, which has been hard for many Sunny Hills students.  Concerns over cheating...

The College Board's March 20 tweet reveals that Advanced Placement testing will still be offered amid the coronavirus crisis -- the earliest in May -- with each subject exam comprising a 45-minute, free-response section instead of a multiple choice that students can take from home. Hand completing a multiple choice exam by Alberto G. 2UqYwRv license under CC BY 2.0

Coronavirus pandemic will not deter College Board from offering a 45-minute, free response online version for all AP exams

Tyler Pak, Editor-in-Chief March 22, 2020

This story was updated March 24 at 3:17 p.m. with a teacher reaction quote to the College Board's decision about testing students from home. The College Board announced via Twitter on March 20 that...

From the College Board blog

It’s worth the time to improve SAT scores

Lira Jeong, Feature Editor October 15, 2019

After three to four hours of taking the SAT, students feel the relief of getting the test over with. This standardized test that students struggle to do well on is the best way of getting admitted to college.  Because...

Art by Accolade staff reporter Katherine Kim

Hey Pomona, Williams! I’m more than my SAT/ACT score

Lauren Kim, Copy Editor September 24, 2019

The SAT and ACT – three- to four-hour tests that hover over students’ heads, heavily stressing them out for much of their high school experience. While in high school, students develop intellectual...

Art done by graphics editor Erin Lee.

Students who took Aug. 24 SAT discuss College Board’s new adversity score

Hannah Kim, Special Sections Editor August 27, 2019

On Aug. 27 after this story was posted, The Accolade learned that the College Board has on the same day decided to drop the adversity score report and will replace it with something called "Landscape."...

The Class of 2016 seniors gather in the quad early in the morning to watch a movie. Back then before the jumbotron in the squad, the ASB had to set up a screen in front of the steps of the quad for the movie to be projected there for students to watch. (Accolade File Photo)

Senior event moves up two months from October to August to curb 12th-graders from ditching classes

Rebecca Choi, Web Managing Editor August 21, 2019

To prevent another year of 12th-graders purposely skipping school either after attending Senior Sunrise on an October morning or not coming at all, the ASB has decided to move the traditional event two...

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