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The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

The Student News Site of Sunny Hills High School

The Accolade

Sophomore Kyuwon Han holds her phone that displays the Gradekit app during fourth period on Tuesday, March 4, in Room 138.

COLUMN: Let’s use A+ Gradekit instead of Aeries

Kyuwon Han, Spotlight Team Reporter March 19, 2025

My job as a student is to check my grades regularly.  “Kyuwon! Our math test scores came out!” my friend told me.  I quickly opened the Aeries app and frantically logged in, but unfortunately,...

Two students from December 2016 decorate parts of the quad before the start of first period on the Monday of final exam week. This rite of passage that disappeared before COVID-19 hit in March 2020 should return to campus.

STAFF EDITORIAL: 5 years after the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to bring back some forgotten traditions

The Accolade Editorial Board March 11, 2025

Instead of relying on Accolade’s 21-member editorial board to address a specific topic about the aftermath of COVID-19 five years later, we decided to incorporate every staff member to discuss the issue...

South Korean citizens sit down on the streets of Jeonju to protest against President Yoon Suk Yeol on Friday, Dec. 27.

COLUMN: Witnessing nationwide protest rekindles my connection to South Korea

Emily Kim, Staff Reporter February 24, 2025

This article is also published in the Korean-language section (한국어). Click here to read it in Korean. Eagerness. That was one characteristic I collectively saw in each of the 150-plus citizens...

During times of crisis like the L.A. wildfires, people often repost Instagram Stories about news, whether it’s false, exaggerated or true.

CALL TO ACTION: Reposting about crises on social media proves ineffective

Christine Yoo, Managing Editor February 14, 2025

“Breaking News: L.A. goes up in flames.”  “Pray for L.A.” “Donate to the GoFundMe.” With every swipe, posts like these fill up social media feeds.  Whether a natural disaster...

As The Accolade celebrates its 65th anniversary, the editorial board discusses traits and expectations it demands for the next decade of journalism and the successor of the current adviser.

STAFF EDITORIAL: The Accolade’s next adviser should be experienced, dedicated to usher the program toward its 75th year

The Accolade Editorial Board February 12, 2025

In light of the upcoming Scholastic Journalism Week, Feb. 24-28, that celebrates the role of student journalism and its impact, The Accolade Editorial Board unanimously agrees on its vision for the future...

Co-Opinion editors Aashna Dialani and Kayden Kim debate officiating Valentine’s Day, one of the most widely recognized unofficial holidays. Dialani argues against making Valentine’s Day a school holiday, while Kim vouches for it.

SPITFIRE: Should Valentine’s Day be considered an official school holiday?

Aashna Dialani and Kayden Kim February 11, 2025

This is Spitfire, a style of head-to-head debates between The Accolade’s two Opinion editors. As the first print edition, a shortened version is included in the Friday, Feb. 14, Accolade magazine issue....

Both conceptual and conventional art have their respective appeals that make the viewers lean toward one or the other. Co-Opinion editors Aashna Dialani and Kayden Kim each take their respective stances regarding this controversial art style.

SPITFIRE: Should conceptual pieces really be considered art?

Aashna Dialani and Kayden Kim January 21, 2025

This is Spitfire, a style of head-to-head debates between The Accolade’s two Opinion editors. Kayden is green. Aashna is orange.  PREVIOUSLY ON SPITFIRE: The two Opinion editors went head-to-head...

While SoCal Asian stereotypes of going to Seaside Bakery, listening to Keshi and raving trend on social media platforms like TikTok, the cultural group’s unique identity simultaneously begins to diminish.

We’re more than Seaside Donuts Bakery

Christine Yoo, Managing Editor January 8, 2025

A line wrapped around the block with people waiting for hours to taste the store that took the internet by storm: Seaside Bakery in Newport.  My friends and I were part of this group of future customers...

Junior Irene Park (third from the left) takes a picture with a digital camera with her friends on June 24 at the bridge in front of Columbia Law School.

A SUMMER TO REMEMBER: Columbia University’s summer camp returns lessons, memories

Irene Park, News Editor January 8, 2025

“On behalf of Southwest Airlines and especially this L.A.-based cabin crew, we’d like to thank you for flying with us and welcome you to LaGuardia Airport.” I looked out the window as the plane...

With the new finals schedule being implemented this school year, The Accolade Editorial Board argues that the change proves unnecessary, and the schedule should revert to its original.

STAFF EDITORIAL: Out with the new and in with the old — new finals schedule should go back to its original format

The Accolade Editorial Board December 15, 2024

Eleven out of 21 Accolade Editorial Board members disagree with the administration’s decision to alter the schedule starting the 2024-2025 school year for the upcoming semester finals, citing that this...

Movies and TV shows have their own perks and factors, which makes them unique from one another. Co-Opinion editor Aashna Dialani favors multi-season TV series, while co-Opinion editor Kayden Kim prefers films.

SPITFIRE: Are movies better than TV shows?

Aashna Dialani and Kayden Kim December 14, 2024

This is Spitfire, a new style of head-to-head debates between The Accolade’s two Opinion editors. Kayden is blue. Aashna is purple. Here are the rules: No profanity. An editor attacked by the...

Accolade Spotlight reporter sophomore Kyuwon Han argues that the experience of going to the theater, eating popcorn and sipping on a cold soda far exceeds the use of streaming services to watch movies.

COLUMN: Ditch streaming services, let movie theaters set the scene

Kyuwon Han, Spotlight Team Reporter December 13, 2024

Ever since COVID-19, I haven’t seen a movie theater full of audiences.  While 1.3 billion tickets were sold in 2018, the year before COVID-19, 829 million tickets were sold in 2023, according to...

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