While the parking lot near the Performing Arts Center has undergone resurfacing and repainting last year to designate which spots belong to staff, the other side of campus has yet to see the same upgrade.
Many of the slots indicating “STAFF” and “STUDENT” on the west parking lot outside the odd-numbered wings have faded away because of age.
That has prompted student motorists to view the area as a free-for-all when they look for parking spaces closest to their first period class.
“There shouldn’t be an assigned parking spot for teachers and students — it should just be first come, first serve,” said junior Larry Alvarez, whom campus supervisors have issued verbal warnings for parking in staff slots as a consequence.
Continued violation could lead to a meeting with the assistant principal, a Saturday school and an eliminated parking permit, school officials said.

Science teacher Andrew Colomac, who also parks in the west lot because his classroom is nearby, is among some of the staff who have observed a similar issue.
“The parking lot is crowded, and too many people park on the west side, and if you don’t get here early, then you don’t get a parking spot,” Colomac said. “It’s tough to say right now how many spots are available [for staff] because students park in them so much.”
Meanwhile, assistant principal Sarah Murrietta with the help of campus supervisors have come up with a plan to redesignate certain sections of the west parking lot once the area can be resurfaced and repainted, which could only occur when school is not in session.
“We have not received confirmation as to when it will be able to take place,” Murrietta said last semester.
Once the lot is upgraded, student drivers will gain five new designated slots — 91 instead of the current 86. In addition, all 31 slots closest to the 10s, 30s and 50s wings would be marked “STUDENT” compared with the current number of 17.
That means the middle section of the west parking lot closest to the 70s, 90s and 100s wings would all be designated “STAFF.” Currently, nine spots are designated as “STUDENT” on the side close to the wall separating the school from the Amerige Heights homes.
The third and final section that leads to the dead end will remain the same except to keep staff designated slots at 82, five new spaces will be created.
Currently the area closest to the tennis courts has signs that say no parking and another one that says parking for the athletic director.
“Those signs will be changed to allow for staff parking,” Murrietta said.

No matter what, senior Sarah Chong doubts clearly marked staff and student stalls will change anything.
“Some students simply do not care enough to park where permitted,” said Chong, who has followed the parking guidelines and parks in student lots.
Junior Chloe Chang, who has received a verbal warning before for parking in a staff-marked slot, agrees with Chong.
“I feel that students don’t care as much, and we park wherever is open,” Chang said. “We’re students trying to get to class and don’t want to park somewhere far away.”
Science teacher Mike Schade, who also uses the west parking lot, said he hopes student drivers will make the right choices.
“I think the only thing that will help is when [school officials] go back to ticketing and/or removing parking privileges,” Schade said.